What are you doing here? Are you sure you want to be here looking at this screen? This false world behind a screen (and to some extent created inside our minds), while chaotic and beautiful, cannot hold a candle to the chaos and beauty that exists outside this fascinating collection of silicone and copper and plastic and electricity. Find a leaf and look at its minute structures. Turn on your microscope eyes and peer into the infinity of structure and cell and atom and quark. And when you have filled your mind with the minute, fill it with the abstract: the constantly shifting relationships and networks of pheromone and neuron and xylem and gravity and, my god, the churning of the surface of the sun that disturb its magnetic field and throw off geysers of electromagnetic radiation that you, a very smart monkey living on a floating rock 93 million miles away, might observe because your car radio doesn't work so well or because you see pretty lights in the sky.
Night shot of insects illuminated by a street light.